Media Center

  • The media program offers 21st century instruction and technology, as well as the latest print and electronic collections for all of our students, parents, and teachers. Our Media Center programs increase students' reading skills while fostering a love for reading, which is a fundamental part of academic growth and improvement. Our media programs enhance information literacy, motivating students to enjoy reading, and to make it an essential part of their lives.

  • The William T. Dwyer HS Media Center has resources to help with research and school work, college and career information, information about electronic materials, book and author suggestions, and more. For questions or assistance, please email Sharon MacDonald, Media Specialist. 


    Databases are searchable collections of general information. If you need information for a research paper, project or homework assignment, start by using a database. They have special user-friendly features such as citation making tools, topic finders, translation tools, and more. Research databases available to our students include Gale, JSTOR, SIRS, and Worldbook. Many of these are available in the student portal.

    College and Career

    Choosing a career path doesn't come easy. Whether you're heading straight into the workforce or you're entering college first, our career tools help you get a handle on what you're interested in, the skills and training you'll need, and what you can expect from your career path. Discover which careers suit you best, research potential career options, and explore the requirements and outlooks for the occupations you're interested in. Resources available include Peterson's Career Prep (GALE) and Khan Academy. Both are available in the student portal.

    Reading Resources

    There are multiple resources for reading available to our students, both onsite in our Media Center and online. Online resources include MackinVia eBooks (student portal), Mandel Public Library, and Palm Beach County Libraries