Ron Clark House System

  • Woodlands House Points Leaderboard
    Global House Points Leaderboard
    House System Information Flyer

    Woodlands House System crests

    The Ron Clark Academy House System is a dynamic, exciting, and proven way to create a positive climate and culture for students and staff. Using RCA’s methods will help your school or district confidently implement processes that build character, relationships, and school spirit. Our guidelines are designed to give you a streamlined framework that can be applied to any type of learning environment.

    The Woodlands Middle House System features five houses — our learning and leadership communities for students. Each House has unique properties, such as its own color, symbols, nation of heritage, history, and more. Over time, each House also starts to take on its own values and personality-driven by the culture of the students and staff within it. 

    Amistad - The House of Friendship

    Isibindi - The House of Courage

    Reveur - The House of Dreamers

    Altruismo - The House of Givers

    Protos - The House of Success