Clubs & Extracurriculary Activities

  • Teachers of Tomorrow

    Contact information: Heather Bosch

    Teachers of Tomorrow involves students in kindergarten, 1st grade and 5th grade.  The club has 3 sessions during the school year.  The fifth graders will assist students with literacy enhancement activities through positive interactions. The teacher will provide the activities and support, but the fifth graders will use their creativity to present the material and, if they wish, devise their own complementary activities. The students get meaningful and purposeful experience teaching others while serving as positive role-models.


    Club meets weekly on Mondays from 2:15-3:15 pm.
    Fourth and fifth grade students must try out in August and be admitted by Mrs. Jimenez
    Students participate in a chorus concert twice a year.  

    School Tutorial

    After-school tutorial is offered for students in grades 3-5 who are below grade level in reading.
    Tutorials focus on grade level standards and preparation for the end of the year state assessment (FAST).  

    Battle of the Books
    Battle of the Books - Debra BarreiroDebra Barreiro

    District-wide initiative.
    Students read various Sunshine State books and compete trivia style.