School Counseling Department

  • School Counselor's Alpha


    We are your school counselors and look forward to working with all of you! Here is some of our contact information. We are here for your social and emotional support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. If you would like to learn more about the BEST HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT NORTH OF THE SOUTH POLE, please click below.

    Ms. Anderson  A, E, G, O, T, U  (561) 338-1441
    Dr. Carlo  H, I, M, Z  (561) 338-1454
    Mr. Gonzalez  B, K, Q, V, X  (561) 338-1421
    Ms. Ourives  ESOL Students  (561) 338-1545 
    Ms. Silversmith  C, D, J  (561) 338-1407
    Ms. Smith  F, L, P, W, Y  (561) 338-1507
    Ms. Wasserman N, R, S  (561) 338-1453

    You can also follow them on their Instagram!

    Important Links

    College Board (SAT/AP)


    Florida Virtual School

    Common App