Nurse's Corner

  • School Nurse

    From the desk of your Health Care District School Nurse:

    Summer is a wonderful opportunity to visit your child’s healthcare provider for an “annual check-up” and prepare for the upcoming school year. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends an annual preventative visit for school-aged youth. AAP maintains that there are advantages gained well into adulthood through continuity of comprehensive health care as opposed to fragmented care. Annual  visits not only consist of a physical exam but provide the benefit of preventative care and screenings which allow for early intervention. These visits also permit students who require medication or treatment for a medical condition in school to receive from their medical provider an updated and signed “Physician Authorization” form which is required at the start of each school year. Just tell your child’s provider that you will need a copy of the form when you schedule your child’s appointment.

    “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” - Benjamin Franklin

    Stay healthy and safe!