Dance Honor Society

  • NJHSDA Sponsors:  Hollond Schiller and Tina Martin

    NJHSDA Guide for points
    NJHSDA points worksheet. Make a copy and rename this document. 

    Florida FDEO NHSDA page

    National Honor Society for Dance Arts Chapters in middle, high and college recognize the accomplishments of dancers in dance, academics, and leadership.  Our members must have excellent behavior, be involved in dance inside and outside of school, and have a 3.5 GPA. 
    Meetings are once a month.   We encourage members and perspective members to attend meetings to help organize events and fundraisers and /or participate in the events we plan. All dance majors are welcome but only inducted members can vote on financial matters and officers and only members can be officers.  Aspire to Join Bak's Chapter of NJHSDA.