Spanish Dual Language Academy

  • LC Swain MS Dual Language Academy logoWhat is Dual Language?
    Dual Language programs, also known as two-way immersion programs, allow students to develop proficiency in two languages by receiving classroom instruction in English and Spanish.  The classroom is comprised of half native English speakers and half native speakers of Spanish.  Dual Language programs provide both sets of students with ample exposure to both languages, allowing them to progress academically while becoming biliterate and bicultural.
    What are the Goals of the Dual Language Program?

    • Students will develop high levels of academic proficiency in their first language.
    • Students will develop high levels of academic proficiency in a second language.
    • Students will become fully bilingual and biliterate.
    • Students will demonstrate positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors.

    What are the Benefits of the Dual Language Program?

    Students’ sense of self-awareness is enhanced through exposure to cross-cultural perspectives.  While students are immersed in an additive bilingual environment that supports the development of both languages.

    What are the Characteristics of the L.C. Swain Dual Language Program?

    Students receive 50% of their instruction in the minority language, and 50% of their instruction in English.  Students will take Math and Language Arts in English, while learning the Science and Social Studies Curriculum in Spanish.  Students will also take a course of Spanish Speaks and an elective course of their choice. 

    English Language Learners (ELLs) continue to follow their ELL plans and strategies that are developed to guarantee their adequate progress. Students are expected to meet grade level expectations in all subject areas.  Assessment of student progress is required in both languages.