Home Education Enrollment

  • If your child is currently enrolled in a public or private school, please complete the withdrawal process before enrolling in Home Education. To begin this process, contact the school your child attends.

    To enroll a student in Home Education submit a Notice of Intent form. Once we receive your submission, we will enroll the student.

    Alternatively, a letter with your child's name, date of birth, address, and custodial parent/guardian signature can be emailed to HomeEd@palmbeachschools.org.

    Additional information

    The School District of Palm Beach County Home Education does not provide a diploma, books, curricula, or materials for home education students. Off-Adoption Textbooks (books no longer used in our district schools) may be available to the public by contacting your local school.

    Zoned School Services

    Home Education students may participate in extracurricular activities at their zoned school. If a class is related to an extracurricular activity and is required for participation, the Home Education student will be permitted to attend class (section 1006.15, F.S.).

    Home Education students may participate in athletics at their zoned school, charter school, or a school listed on the Controlled Open Enrollment List (section 1006.15, F.S.).

    Students can access services at their zoned school per the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) for Exceptional Student Education (ESE). In order to begin this process, contact your ESE Coordinator at your zoned public school.