• SIS Parent Gateway Resources for Viewing Test Score Results

    There are two options for families to access the state Family Portal for viewing of test scores:

    If you use the SIS Parent Gateway you do NOT need an access code for the State Family Portal. You can access the Family Portal in a direct link through the Parent Gateway. 

    District families should be directed to the SIS Parent Gateway and/or the SIS Student Portal in order for families to quickly view test score results.

    Using the State Family Portal: Contact your schools testing coordinator for your students' Unique Access Code

    Parent Brochure: 

    Families need to follow these steps to log in to the Family Portal:
    1. Go to: https://fl-familyportal.cambiumast.com
    2. Enter the following to sign in to the Family Portal:
    The student’s unique Access Code
    The student’s date of birth
    The student’s first name as it appears on his or her school records