Army JROTC In-House Academy

  • The Army Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (AJROTC) program provides developmental courses in leadership theory, drill and ceremonies, hygiene and first aid, map reading, land navigation, techniques of oral communication, marksmanship and safety, staff function and procedures, service JROTC opportunities and physical readiness. Students who select this option will enroll in the AJROTC classes each year as well as a full academic schedule. Upon completion, students are under no obligation to enlist in the armed forces. Successful completion of the AJROTC program allows entry into the armed forces up to two pay grades higher than other enlistees without AJROTC experience. For more information about the program, please contact, Lead JROTC Academy instructor.

    Why Army JROTC?

    The mission of the Army JROTC is to motivate young people to be better, as they learn to:

    • Appreciate the ethical values and principles that underlie good citizenship
    • Think logically and communicate effectively with others, both verbally and written
    • Appreciate the importance of physical fitness in maintaining good health
    • Understand the importance of high school graduation for a successful future and explore college as well as other advanced educational and career opportunities
    • Develop mental management abilities
    • Become familiar with military history as it relates to America’s culture while developing an understanding of the history, purpose and structure of military services
    • Develop the skills necessary to work effectively as a member of a team

    Required Courses

    • 9th Grade: Intro to Leadership Development
    • 10th Grade: Intermediate Leadership Development
    • 11th Grade: Applied Leadership Development
    • 12th Grade: Advanced Leadership Development

    Competition Teams

    • Raiders
    • Marksmanship
    • Drill Team
    • VEX Robotics

    Jupiter High graduates have earned an offer of admission to the following academies:

    United States Military Academy, West Point
    United States Merchant Marine Academy
    United States Coast Guard Academy
    United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs
    United States Naval Academy, Annapolis