SLL Guide

  • We care about ourselves, are kind to others,
    and are responsible for ourselves and our community.

    The SLL Guide was designed to support schools with a systemic, schoolwide approach for teaching the Skills for Learning & Life (SLL). A systemic, schoolwide approach to SLL intentionally cultivates a caring and supportive learning environment and practices that actively involve all students in their life skills and academic growth. The goal is to prepare students for long-term success in life.

    Students develop these competencies in many ways as they move through their classroom(s), school, out-of-school time (after school), home, and community. When opportunities for SLL across all of these contexts are consistent, students are more likely to internalize these core Learning & Life Skill Competencies. The SLL Guide seeks to coordinate SLL across all of these settings by providing possible weekly SLL Themes that can be taught, discussed and applied throughout the school year. 

    FY25 SLL Guide for Elementary & Middle School
    FY25 SLL Guide for High School