WPTF Newsletter Archives

  • Wellness Promotion: District and Community Updates

    Connecting with the Community continues to be an important goal for the District and the Wellness Promotion Task Force.  As we know, the COVID-19 pandemic embarked us on the creation of the Wellness Promotion Task Force (WPTF) Newsletters to keep everyone abreast of our community and District's progress as we promote a “Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child” (WSCC) culture, and showcase the symphony of services that improve learning and health altogether. On April 7, 2020, we released these WPTF Newsletters on a weekly basis, then moved on to bi-weekly in FY21; then, based on the improving landscape of the pandemic in FY22, the District made a full return to brick and mortar and these ‘Wellness Promotion: District and Community Updates’ newsletters will continue to be delivered on a monthly basis to many internal and external stakeholders.

    Are you interested in subscribing to our WPTF Newsletters? Email us at wellness@palmbeachschools.org. 

    FY25 WPTF Newsletters

    FY24 WPTF Newsletters
    FY23 WPTF Newsletters
    FY22 WPTF Newsletters
    FY21 WPTF Newsletters
    FY20 WPTF Newsletters